User Engagement and Outreach Report
2 MonthlyFollowers as (
3 select
4 date_trunc(_weld_synced_at, month) month
5 , id as user_id
6 , avg(followers_count) as avg_followers_count
7 from
8 {{raw.instagram.user_history}}
9 group by
10 month
11 , user_id
12 )
13 , MonthlyProfileEngagement as (
14 select
15 date_trunc(_weld_synced_at, month) month
16 , user_id
17 , avg(profile_views) as avg_profile_views
18 , avg(website_clicks) as avg_website_clicks
19 from
20 {{raw.instagram.user_insights}}
21 group by
22 month
23 , user_id
24 )
25 , MonthlyMediaEngagement as (
26 select
27 date_trunc(h._weld_synced_at, month) month
28 , user_id
29 , avg(like_count) as avg_like_count
30 , avg(comments_count) as avg_comments_count
31 , avg(feed_impressions) as avg_feed_impressions
32 , avg(feed_reach) as avg_feed_reach
33 from
34 {{raw.instagram.media_history}} h
35 left join {{raw.instagram.media_insights}} i on =
36 and date_trunc(i._weld_synced_at, month) = date_trunc(h._weld_synced_at, month)
37 group by
38 month
39 , user_id
40 )
42 mf.month
43 , mf.avg_followers_count
44 , coalesce(
45 mf.avg_followers_count - lag(mf.avg_followers_count) over (
46 partition by
47 mf.user_id
48 order by
49 mf.month
50 )
51 , 0
52 ) as follower_growth
53 , mpe.avg_profile_views
54 , mpe.avg_website_clicks
55 , mme.avg_like_count
56 , mme.avg_comments_count
57 , mme.avg_feed_impressions
58 , mme.avg_feed_reach
60 MonthlyFollowers mf
61 join MonthlyProfileEngagement mpe on mf.month = mpe.month
62 and mf.user_id = mpe.user_id
63 join MonthlyMediaEngagement mme on mf.month = mme.month
64 and mf.user_id = mme.user_id
65order by
66 mf.month
67 , mf.user_id;
| month | avg_followers_count | follower_growth | avg_profile_views | avg_website_clicks | avg_like_count | avg_comments_count | avg_feed_impressions | avg_feed_reach |
| 2021-01-01 00:00:00 | 1000 | 0 | 500 | 100 | 50 | 10 | 1000 | 500 |
| 2021-02-01 00:00:00 | 1200 | 200 | 600 | 150 | 60 | 12 | 1200 | 600 |
| 2021-03-01 00:00:00 | 1500 | 300 | 700 | 200 | 70 | 15 | 1500 | 700 |
The SQL template "User Engagement and Outreach Report" is designed to analyze user engagement and outreach data from Instagram Business. It consists of three main subqueries: MonthlyFollowers, MonthlyProfileEngagement, and MonthlyMediaEngagement. The MonthlyFollowers subquery calculates the average number of followers for each user on a monthly basis. It groups the data by month and user ID, providing insights into the growth of followers over time. The MonthlyProfileEngagement subquery calculates the average profile views and website clicks for each user on a monthly basis. It also groups the data by month and user ID, allowing for analysis of user engagement with the profile and website. The MonthlyMediaEngagement subquery calculates the average number of likes, comments, feed impressions, and feed reach for each user's media content on a monthly basis. It joins the media history and insights tables, ensuring that the data is synchronized correctly. This subquery provides insights into the engagement and reach of the user's media content. Finally, the main query combines the results from the three subqueries, joining them based on the month and user ID. It calculates the follower growth by subtracting the previous month's average followers count from the current month's count. The query also includes the average profile views, website clicks, likes, comments, feed impressions, and feed reach for each user. This SQL template is useful for generating a comprehensive report on user engagement and outreach on Instagram Business. It provides insights into follower growth, profile views, website clicks, and media engagement metrics. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their Instagram marketing strategies and make informed decisions to optimize user engagement and outreach.